Well, I have finally and officially given in to my sister Libby's advice, and here is my blog! I have posted many examples of what I have done to date, but there's acutally tons more. I began drawing and painting very early in life, as evidenced by this picture (my drawing was so good it put me to sleep! - it's rumored that I might have had a touch of narcolepsy). My favorite medium is oil, because there is no limit upon what you can do with it, and it's okay if you make a mistake. Therefore, most of my finished works are in oil, though I love drawing as well. In my high school art class, I also experimented with colored pencil, charcoal, pastel, watercolor, and guache, which is a technique with acrylic paint where you paint in large shapes graduated in value to portray 3D forms. Actually, one of my very first finished paintings was this work in acrylic paint on watercolor paper below; I saw a scene of these sailboats on a plastic placemat during one of the annual yard sales we put on in Ocean City, New Jersey. 50 cents poorer, I took the placemat home and painted the scene myself! It was my very first, big, framed painting, and now it hangs in my room. Anyway, I plan on posting daily, so visit again sometime soon!
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