Thursday, August 7, 2008

This summer I've been spending quite a bit of time with my Dad on the golf course. While I've only improved my golf game by a small, imperceptible to all but my dad, amount, I've still gotten a lot out of being on the course. This is the latest in my series of golf course views.

This work is of hole #11; it looks short and easy but I think it's safe to say it is my arch nemesis.
I hope you are all enjoying the last days of summer! Check back in a few days to see the finished oil painting of the two black labs; it's almost finished!

The 11th Hole, 2008
Oil on canvas
12" x 16"

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Something New

The sketch below is what I am working on right now. I am planning an oil painting of two black labs, one who has recently passed away. The size of the drawing is 18" x 24" and I think that will also be the size of the painting. This preliminary drawing is to send to the "client," and it's in charcoal on paper. The standing dog is Chloe and the recumbent one is Sybil!

Chloe and Sybil, 2008
Charcoal on paper study
18" x 24"

Friday, August 1, 2008


I'm planning on posting several of the drawings that fill the many sketchbooks lying around. This first is a brief sketch from a picture in National Geographic. That and my Dad's Rotary magazine, which does an annual photo contest from all its humanitarian efforts around the world, are my favorite places to look for subject matter outside family photos and local landscapes. Feodor and The Boy and Goat in my first posts, under People, are full-scale oil paintings of pictures I found in Nat'l Geographic.

Wrinkles, 2005
Graphic on paper
8" x 12"